Scarlet ibis

Scarlet ibis

Symbolism is important in James Hurst's "The Scarlet Ibis" because it sets the mood and helps the reader connect to the struggle that the big brother and Doodle go through. Symbolism is using an object or even a living thing to give a meaning to something.

The big brother was ashamed of Doodle because he couldnt walk "There is inside me (and with sadness I have seen it in others) a knot of cruelty borne by the stream of love. " The big brother would take Doodle to Old Woman Swamp to practice walking but the Brother was only doing this for his own selfish needs "I was embarrassed at having a brother of that age who couldn't walk." With time Doodle began to walk, Big Brother brought Doodle to the house "There wasn't a sound as Doodle walked slowly across the room and sat down at the table" the mom and dad were so happy but Big Brother started to cry because he knew he did it for himself. Even dough Doodle had learned how to walk he wasn't gonna be the same as the other kids because he would be tired mostly all the time.
© Kenrich Silvera 2010