SatireIn this story "The impotence of proofreading" by Taylor Mali, satire is being use to ridicule spell check words. "Proofreading your peppers is a matter of the the utmost impotence" This is being satirical because the author is writing about spell checking while actually miss spelling the words on the story. Taylor Mali is trying to change the way people use spell checking because it doesn't always correct some errors, also it makes a person lazy and don't keep track of their spelling. The idea of president Obama going around the country staring into the eyes thousand of citizens for moral support and reassuring that everything is going to be okay is a little to extra and useless. These actions are not going cover up the fact that everything has been going down hill since Obama came into presidency. Events like the Recession and the latest The BP oil spill are hurdles that Obama has to overcome if he wants to be reelected next term.